Support with BTI’s 30-Day Quick Start Plan – Payment Plan

Support with many of the tasks required in Brave Thinking Institute’s 30-Day Quick-Start Plan

From: $57.40 / month for 12 months


Brave Thinking Institute has provided a comprehensive 30-day program in your Online Training Center called the “30-Day Quick-Start Plan” to help you make quantum leaps in jump-starting your coaching business.

This V.A. package is designed to support you with many of the tasks required in this plan. With our efficient services, we’ll take 20 hours or more off of your shoulders and be your support and cheerleader during this process.

Recover Your Investment Quickly… Best of all, signing just 1 client will more than double your investment in this package. You’ll be well on your way to growing your business by following this proven plan.

This Package includes:

  • Getting Started Consultation + Kickoff Session:  During this session we’ll connect to get any necessary account access, get any required lists or content from you, answer questions, etc.
  • Create Your Social Media Posts:  Create and manage the 23 social media posts that are a part of the 30-Day Quick Start Plan.
  • Manage Your Webinar Email Sequence:  Set up and schedule the 7 webinar emails that are part of the Quick Start Plan.
  • Join Facebook Groups:  Brainstorm with you about your target market and then help you connect with 6 different groups
  • Manage Facebook Groups:  Be your voice to answer, add value and engage with the groups you’ve joined for 90 minutes each week during the 30-Day Plan.
  • Accountability & Support:  We’ll be your accountability partner and cheerleader throughout the 30-Day Plan.